体育博彩’s Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership offers a variety of applied leadership concentrations, 让你的学习与你的具体职业目标保持一致. Our comprehensive applied leadership degree program equips you with the skills to become a transformative leader who can drive positive change within organizations.

The MA in Organizational Leadership: Applied Leadership curriculum emphasizes self-assessment, guiding you through the process of evaluating your personal talents and opportunities for leadership. 当你获得应用领导力学位时, you’ll develop leadership knowledge and skills that can be directly applied to your chosen career field, sharpen your decision-making as a leader and learn how to shape organization culture.

组织领导艺术硕士是一个36学分的项目, with a minimum of 15 credits required for your chosen applied leadership concentration. You also have the option of completing a second applied leadership concentration by successfully meeting the 15-credit requirement for the additional concentration.

Waldorf’s MA in Organizational Leadership: Applied Leadership program is only available online.

Master's Degree in Organizational Leadership: Applied Leadership Concentrations

Earning your master’s degree in organizational leadership from 体育博彩 is a solid step toward achieving your career and personal goals. 具有应用领导力学位, you’ll add to your skills and offerings and stand out in a pool of job applicants.

Waldorf’s MA in Organizational Leadership degree program allows you to focus your studies on a career area in which you are interested. In addition to completing the requirements for the Organizational Leadership: Applied Leadership degree, 您将在以下领域选择一个或多个浓度:


The 刑事司法领导 concentration allows you to take a deep dive into the primary areas of criminal justice, 包括执法部门, 法庭和惩教.


The 应急管理和领导 concentration allows you to take courses in the emergency management arena, 包括国土安全部, 消防科学及行政, 和业务.


The 应急管理和领导 concentration allows you to apply organizational leadership principles to fire/rescue career fields. 你将完成消防/救援管理和领导方面的课程. 


The 医疗保健管理 concentration allows you to delve into the issues and challenges specific to health care delivery, 卫生保健管理和卫生保健行政.


The Human Resources Development concentration allows you to focus on the human resource development aspects of organizational leadership. You will complete courses in human resource management, leadership and organizational development


The 公共行政领导 concentration allows you to develop your skills in managing teams, 指导员工, 金融, 预算, 公共政策和地方政府规划.


The 体育运动管理 concentration allows you to study sport management, sport sociology and sport administration to prepare you for a career in a sport-related industry.


The 老师领导 concentration allows you to mature and grow as a leader in your own school and opens avenues for your future professional growth and advancement in the education field.

Why Earn Your Master's Degree in Organizational Leadership Online From Waldorf?

Earning your master’s degree in Organizational Leadership: Applied Leadership online from Waldorf offers you flexibility, 方便和控制. Our courses and course delivery systems allow you to apply what you learn into your current job and career. Earning your degree online through Waldorf offers you a number of advantages.


Waldorf has honed our convenient and flexible online course delivery format to make it easy to earn your degree full time or part time around your schedule. 我们知道你可能忙于工作, 家庭责任和其他个人责任. We offer our online courses through the latest interactive technology and remote course delivery systems, allowing you to learn at your own pace while still being able to interact with your professors and classmates.


Waldorf’s faculty members who lead our Organizational Leadership program and teach our Organizational Leadership courses possess a PhD or other doctoral degree in Organizational Leadership. They bring their knowledge and expertise to their classes to help you gain real industry knowledge and insights as you prepare for your career path. Our faculty members also act as mentors and advisors to help you succeed in your education and beyond.


Our Organizational Leadership: Applied Leadership curriculum features required courses designed to develop your organizational and applied leadership expertise, 包括:

  • 个人领导力发展
  • 领导理论与实践
  • 学习型组织文化
  • 组织文化中的多样性和包容性
  • 领导复杂变革

Depending on your interests and possible additional chosen concentration, you will take courses to satisfy the requirements for the particular concentration.




  • 完成36学分的课程
  • 至少3.累积绩点00
  • Grade of B or higher in all required courses and professional electives

MA in Organizational Leadership: Applied Leadership Degree Requirements

前缀 数量 课程 学分
ORG 5000 个人领导力发展 3
ORG 5100 领导理论与实践 3
ORG 6600 学习型组织文化 3
ORG 6700 组织文化中的多样性和包容性 3
ORG 6900 领导复杂变革 3
总专业要求 15
专业选修课 & 学时要求 21
总计: 36

